Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I was working in the lab.... late one night... when my eyes beheld an eerie sight!
My monster from its slab began to rise... and suddenly... to my suprise...

He ran off to a patent attorney.

Im working on it. Slaving on it. Refining it. Expanding it.
P e r f e c t i n g

Coming soon... VERY big announcement!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Ever have one of those.... "Holy Shit! That might work!" moments?

I did last night! This is going to revolutionize seeing the fretboard in low light!
And STAGE PRESENCE if you wanted to utilize it that way I suppose.

Its so simplistic it counfounds me why no one has done this before!

I will prototype this for my next update to the blog and you will see for yourself!

Just know..... (insert spooky music here)... something WICKED this way comes!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shhhhhh... Its a SECRET!

I could tell ya... but Id have to kill ya!
Secret Alien Technology..... Or something. ;-)

Different Tree.... Different Problem

No update recetly... WAY too busy in the garage!

Here is a little... "What I think I wanna do" movie.

Remember the UGLY routing accident? I have done some Triage.... we can rebuild him.... we have the technology!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let There Be Light!

I havent been Slacking! Honest Injun!

I been twiddlin and fiddlin and cussing up a storm on this end, trust me!

This is the finished neck off of the green monster I paid 20 bucks for. I put maybe another 20 in materials into it. The labor I have no clue about... but I see why those dudes in england charge $500 american to custom install a setup like this. Frustrating as all hell... but in the end I like the changes so I guess it was worth doing just to prove I could. And too... learn a whole lot in the process.

Check out the vid!

Still have a couple of problems to work out but overall Im stoked!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Okay... so needlees to say I got distracted with fiddling around in the shop.

However, my guitar playing hasnt really suffered... just me making movies of it and posting them for you to laugh at has.

Though I did manage to get THIS little piece of eye candy together...
Its a prototype. Fiber optics arrive tomorrow by 3pm so I can start meddling with that.
Maybe its just me... but Im thinking that I will appreciate side markers that light up far more than fingerboard markers. Guess we will find out tomorrow!
On the guitar PLAYING side of things... I believe I can stumble through all 7 modes of CMaj now without too much fumbling.
I will probably have to post an Elizabeth Reed Moment here soon.... just bear with me.